Thursday, October 10, 2019

THIRD Quarter 2019 Satch Grants

THIRD Quarter 2019 Satch Grants

Florida Springs Council is a coalition of 53 environmental organizations working together to ensure the protection and restoration of Florida's springs, the rivers they have created, and our aquifer. FSC helps organizations and citisens navigate the legal, legislative, and regulatory landscape of water protections. This $500 Satch Grant will ensure transportation and educational materials for defenders of the springs as they travel in January 2020 to Tallahassee as they convene the 2020 legislative session.

Helping Hands Clinic seeks to improve the physical and mental well-being of the homeless and poor of Gainesville by delivering comprehensive health care, sensitizing providers to the special needs of the homeless and poor, and engaging the community in meaningful contribution. Helping Hands has been serving the Gainesville community for 30 years. This $500 Satch Grant will fund purchasing of medications and program-supporting supplies that are then provided by licensed practitioners. 

MentorGNV is an opportunity for UF students to make a difference on and off campus. Through MentorGNV UF students work with children in the Alachua County public school system that are struggling. The relationship between the mentors and mentees adds an additional support system in their life. This $500 Satch Grant will fund an end-of-the-year field trip and celebration for the children and their mentors.